Friday, February 4, 2011

lusting lavander

that is the official color of my new hair..
not to bad huh?..
i sorta dyed my forehead a couple of times.
so the story for today ..
i went to work and got about a block away when i get a text from my head chef telling me to take the day off.
wtf do i do with myself now?.
so i hung out at starbucks with the wifi
enjoying myself.
and then headed to see my blue valentine in lakeview
i'll while holding my breath praying i don't run into alejandro which i mean the odds were so fuckign slim
but thats the last thing i would want.
so i watched blue valentine and was torn apart inside
i mean i enjoyed the film and all..
but it was difficult..
because it brought back these memories i haven't thought of in years ..
of my father and mother together.. fighting throwing things arguing
and living through that .
its strange because when i was around the two of them i never thought about it .
but being here on my own..
i think about how it affected me quite often.
so i head out of the theatre practically in tears because this imagery is all in my head.
and i mean i was laughing at things right outside of the theatre though..
i mean..
the movie really effected me..
and i heard these other girls talking on my way to the bathroom saying something like.
"well i really liked ryan goslings giving tree tattoo in the movie"..
and i'm like
thats what you are thinking about right now..
if you haven't heard of this then you should have.
its hilarious .
but still.
so i walk out take my buses toward home but after the first its freezing bus isnt' coming yet .
so i take some time walking about wallgreens
just really not knowing what i'm looking for.
reach for some eggs but every carton has broken ones.
so i leave it alone.
look for blank cds they don't have any.
so i just start walking down the aisles not sure what i'm looking for .
end up down the hair products see a box of lusting lavander and i can't help myself
especially since it comes with its own pack of peroxide and bleach..
i know what i'm doing when i get home!.
so i buy it and while on my second bus ride i'm contemplating food.
i'm starving haven't eaten any thing all day.
and so i head over to papa johns.
the only place that is super close to me and open even though it looks liek shit outside.
so i head in and end up having an organic kidn of cool conversation
with this random girl.
named stephanie
from new york who is pretty awesome.
and even while walking home i'm like
whoa.. how was i capable of that without scaring this girl away..
imean a girl i was able to have a conversation with and not repulse her.
that is rare..
so we exchanged names numbers with the promise of texing and hanging out
i made a potential friend
i am so happy about it.
so i go home .
gorge myself..
then spend the next three hours or less ..
dying my hair.
which came quite awesome.
so yeah
bed time almost three and i'm still not asleep very bad news..
hope you enjoy the hair

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I dig it.