Tuesday, December 14, 2010

logan square

looking at more places today tomorrow everyday..
until i find a place..
so yeah.......
i spent the night somewhere else the other night.
and i was happy to.
reaffirms every reason why i should be out.
the guy in the picture below..
i spent the night with him.
he got me high.
my first time ever..
it was nice.
he's sweet and quiet.
and is so..well. i don't know.
different i suppose.
i laughed my ass off the next morning though when i looked at my phone and saw three missed calls from alex.
he can fuck himself.
i mean. he treats me so fucking horrible.
with all his little quips and bashes against my personality, dress, attitute..
and i'm supposed to want to leave a note or message..
i really didn't care.
i dunno.
i'm just so ready to get out.
and he has this notion in his head that i'm desperate to stay..
i don't want that.
yelling at me about doors being locked and how i shouldnt use my computer when he's trying to sleep because the clicking of the keys is keeping him up.
i'm trying to find a way out of here and your now telling me to get off the computer.
and the next minute telling me how much you want me out.
fuck this.


ChapStick = Love said...

EEEE...!!! Oh my gosh, Marissa.. please please pleeease be safe. You should have met this guy in public, don't you think?? Going to his house and getting high, when you didn't know what he could have laced the weed with!? :(

I watch too much 20/20 to be okay with you doing this, but I'm glad you're okay.

I'm still here if you want to email or text or anything.

emeraldglow said...

you sound like my mom amri but thats okay.
it was fine.
i met him in public and then we went back to his place i felt i trusted him and i had a knife on me only to discover that the house was full of artists/stoners.. harmless really. i only smoked after they had gone through a bunch it took forever just to convince me. cause you know i don't really touch the stuff..
i found a place to go..
i'm beyond happy and thrilled i found a room.

emeraldglow said...

wait you are gonna think it's with him it's not..
i mean it happens to be in logan square but i found a room with this guy who's crazy film guy from mississippi ..
young into the same music i am..
pretty cool.