Friday, December 31, 2010

so i made a bunch of foccacia bread today ..
and by a bunch i mean a fucking bunch..
like four full sheet trays full when the recipe .
only makes 1/4th of a sheet tray..
so i had to do it's been awhile..very simple but you know.
so ..
..i went out on a date yesterday..
a fantastic one ..
i hope i see more of him.
i tend to try to move to quickly and i don't know if that's because of alejandro or what because it felt like alex and i were racing so hard to get to the finish and then we were done...
but ..
his name is stuart alden.
alden being his middle name.
he's 21 tall very midwestern handsome vegetarian and a complete hipster if i've ever seen one..
he knows all the best music and is beyond sweet.
i really adore him and i hate that i do because i don't know him very well still
so date.
we went to a cafe connected to a grocery store adn talked there for hours but i mean it wasn't that easy..
when i first met with him.
it was so akward.
i mean sweet and comfortable akwardness.
i felt like i was sixteen again ..
stealing glances and hands brushing .
so we went for coffee... i had a hot chocolate he had a latte.
are drinks didn't arrive for at least an hour which was strange but i mean ..
we couldn't help but not notice. we were to silly.
i mean i tried to get him to talk at times and it always started out..
so ...oregon..
because he had spent time there.
but we never got to far past that..
i mean.. we would end up looking into eachothers eyes and it was like this strange game we didn't know we were playing.
like the first to look away loses.
so after a while we noticed the coffee wasnt at our table so i went ot ask..
knowing he was looking at me as i walked away.
i came back and mentioned it..
and he said something like..
was it that obvious?..
to which i replied oh i didn't know i just assumed..
but thank you for reassuring me.
our feet brushed up against eachothers..
he took me to navy pier..
which is tourist central we walked down to the edge to stare over the frozen water..
and he kissed me.
very romantic.
at least i think so.
after ward realizing hours had past and we hadn't eaten anything.
we headed over to argo cafe.
and had green tea and mixed grain salads.
i had lentil he had brown rice and tomatoes.
we sat there and talked about..
lack of meat, music, past relationships, movies, food and more food.
he said my passion was what made me most attractive.
he can make me blush like no one ever has.
so after that small meal didn't fill us up.
we went back to my place..*wow that's awesome to say*
and i ordered a pizza and we watched the go-getter and cuddled on the couch.
i heard him play guitar as well.
he's quite talented.
and i expressed to him my fears.
and why i'm anxious to take this slow.
and he told me on the spot that we should plan a second date.
that made me feel at ease and smile.
so .
monday is the second date.
movie and i'm going to cook for him.
it's exciting to cook for someone again.
i don't mean that in a way that well i get that i'm trying to take this slow.
but firsts. are nice.
so ..
we will probably see somewhere.
the sofia coppola film and come back to my place where i'll make ratatouille and possibly soup and a rice pudding for dessert..
this weekend is going to be really busy at the restaurant.
i was supposed to be off today but chef had me come in and make all that bread.
which he stated..
wow really good fucking bread .
way better than mine.
i dunno why i always look at authority as this all knowing being.
because that's the way i saw him and still sorta do at times.
like of course he knows he's the chef.
but the truth is he didn't go to school
and never made bread before.
he's learned from his jobs.
which i respect greatly..
but it seems more and more like you need some sort of degree in order to really make it.
less room for self taught in certain aspects not to say it can't happen .
but to say it's less seen these days and more rare.
p.s. i'll try to post more photos of everything..

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