Tuesday, January 25, 2011

the "feel good" revolution

my boots came in..
i was waiting forever for them.
so now i am the proud owner of bergundy doc martens.
that go up to mid calf.
they are awesome
but so much heavier than i'm used to.
so my feet tend to feel dragged down.
but i haven't really worn them out yet so i guess i'll have to.
and i went on another date.
this guy chris.
who is so akwardly adorable i can't breathe.
but yeah very sweet guy
can't wait to get to know him better
and he seems genuinely interested.
so we went to a show at a place called subterranean
i had some lone stars which is like the cheap beer here.
which happens to be pretty damn good.
so we did that until like
midnight when the show ended pretty good bands btw.
currier and the island of misfit toys.
thats two bands.
that i particularly liked.
then he asked if i wanted to go home yet.
i said no.
so we headed out to a bar called the whistler.
and when we got in there was a band just finishing up.
each had a beer.
so he came over.
*amri stop judging*..
and he did spend the night.
but not to much happened.
lots of cuddling and kissing
and the next morning we went out for breakfast.
so i was just browsing through photos and
felt all this emotion come rising up to the surface.
i miss friends from back home.
i have these people here that i'm meeting but i mean
it's all meeting people with alterior motives and lets face it i mean i have those motives to.
i just wanna meet friends
no intentions of making out or anything like that.
just people to have a drink with or talk to or go to a show with.
instead of feeling this emptiness..
i don't know.
just venting i suppose.


Anonymous said...

Why do you care so much about whether she's judging?

Aren't you living your life for you?

emeraldglow said...

of course.
saying that .
i want her to understand not that its my life..
because i share my life with so many people.
but that its okay to be a bit trusting.

ChapStick = Love said...

I got a personal shout out! Woo. I'd call it concern instead of judgement, Marissa. I know it's your life. I don't quite understand what you mean by saying you share your life with so many people.

Do you mean sharing you life on a public forum like this? Or something else?

I'm glad you're enjoying the people you're dating. My concern only lies in you being too trusting of people too soon. I guess I've always seen the evil in people before the good.

I'm sorry about you feeling empty too. I hope that passes. Try to stay busy and keep warm!

ChapStick = Love said...

Sharing your life*