Friday, October 8, 2010

so my birthday not a whole lot.
my father didn't call me..
big surprise..
and apparently it was ,well at least to everyone but me.
for his birthday i got him a small S'more ice cream cake
a card that said something like.
anyone who doesn't wish you a happy birthday is a lamewad
the second book in a new series he's reading
and a pint of merlot chocolate chip ice cream
he seemed to like it.
they were kind of mean/cool to him
they found out it was his birthday
and filled up a huge bucket with ice water and dumped it on him.
once earlier in the day and then again before he left for the night
when he got home he was still wet..
i felt bad.
but again i guess it was cool that they were being so playful but i still think it blows
i'm at starbucks again getting my wifi/coffee fix.
watching my crappy reality television.

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