Wednesday, July 7, 2010

so i am sick.
i was at a family gathering things were going well.
cooking conversing games and such.
and i start shaking
and not normal shakes either..
scary shakes where i can't control my body i turned all clammy and gross so they set me up to go to the hospital.
the walk in urgent care was closed so we headed to the emergency room.
and they took me in and hooked me up to an iv for which now i have a huge bruise on my arm. which looks like death or maybe i'm just over exaggerating
they had me in that bed for like two hours before they told me i had a kidney infection
before they even put the i.v. in i was like no mom go get alejandro
half crying half pouting ..
no i want alejandro..
i was so scared and my mom on her phone the whole time telling me to calm down wasn't exactly helping.
life is going well ish..
i'm starting to think my father is into more
than just marijuana or at least that is what its starting to feel like..
he'll be gone till saturday.
he was more upset at the fact that he was being billed for my affliction that me actually being sick and gross.
i told him. dad i just got back from the hospital i have a kidney infection
as he talks on the phone and goes back to his conversation
but dad they are going to bill you for the visit..
what?.. why?..i don't understand..if your.....nevermind..
and he goes back again to his conversation..
i go upstairs and go to sleep..
wow i love my relationship with my father.

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