Sunday, June 14, 2009

so that is my shitty looking tonsil..
i wouldn't mind it so bad if i could breathe through my nose more proficiently.
or at least if i would start to get better.
i've reached like a plateau of crappiness
and then boom i get my period..
wtf world.
karmic retribution much?.
i feel like a fucking yo yo anymore.
i feel sleepy but i don't want to sleep
hungry but unwillling to eat.
i went to amoeba the other night.
it was nice.
i probably should of stayed in but i picked up
langhorne slim-self titled
lisa Hannigan-see sew
gregory and the hawk-moenie & kitchi
as well as an amoeba bag
yes that indeed was nice.
i was listening to death cab last night.
i had forgotten how much i truly love them.
even the new stuff.
i know it was pretty big on the radio for a while but i simply love i will possess your heart.
the complete version actually.
the first 4 minutes of instrumental are just haunting.
i'm gonna make some more tea.
p.s. and try to figure out what to do about thursday.

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