Tuesday, June 14, 2011

life over here in chicago is going well.
i have a boyfriend who loves me .
and i'm going to meet his family this weekend which will be interesting enough.
my loans are coming in but it shouldn't be anything i can't handle.
i'm currently the pastry chef at the place i'm at .
want to look for another side part time job just to dip my feet into .
there are issues here and there but nothing to serious yet.
i miss my grandmother constantly.
its hard when i think about her and get photos but i couldn't be there.
my mom isn't well right now but we won't know more until a couple of weeks .
so id rather not go into it to much.
until then.
i bought death cab for cutie tickets so i'll be going to that in august.
the weather out here is the most bizarre thing i've seen in quite sometime.
but i'm sure that can't be helped.
so i'm going into work in a few and i'll be making.
dehydrating more cookies
lots of ice cream.
and plenty more probably first the ice cream though.
we've become really low on the ice cream.
should be fine though i doubt we have many people on tonight.
i have to start photographing my desserts more though.
we also get watermelon in today which is exciting.
i just dont know what to do with it yet.
i should suggest the grilled version of that but i mean.
thats probably not what he wants.
fuck i'm annoyed but i'll vent later don't really have time for it now.

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