Monday, April 18, 2011

green eye'd boy

my card came in today finally i'll be going to the social security office tomorrow to get a new card for that.
and then after that boom i'll be getting an illinois i.d.
so since my card came in and well since the fact that i did 62 hours this past week
i needed some retail therapy .
insert 250 dollar bill from urban outfitters.
i was up on money for the mere fact that i hadn't spent any in weeks.
so i don't feel to bad about it.
actually feels kind of nice.
that and i have another pay check coming in on friday.
and that one will have 33 hours of overtime attached to it.
i mean.
that is pretty much my rent check just for over time which is insane.
and although i'm like super tired and my legs feel like they are going to give out at any moment.
i love what i'm doing .
and i have to use that as my mantra because otherwise i might forget and just give in to the pain and anguish that is working at a restaurant and just all around working in this industry.
so i have to create a new gluten free dessert and i'm thinking this peanut butter and chocolate pie with a gluten free crust.
and not only that but i have to create brunch desserts because i hate the fact that brunch kills through my desserts..
so .
what i'm thinking
and now if i can i'd like to do doughnuts
and cinnamon rolls.
this is my project for the next weekend..
so i'll be working on it all week.
possibly going in early and such .
other things for this week..
need to dye my hair again.
it is fading way to fast so i must rebleach.
and lets see.
i'm meeting up with this guy milos because well i sorta promised .
all this work has taken a toll on my personal life.
i've started developing something with this guy from work.
i mentioned it on here before i know .
but i mean we see eachother quite a bit.
and well he's an awesomely if not older and strange guy..
and i don't hesitate to tell him so.
either way .
that is whats going on in my life right now.
so while you read please enjoy haley bonar because she is awesome.

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