Sunday, April 10, 2011

blue bird

could you be my dream i could have you every night and if by morning i've forgotten you well no big deal that'd be alright because you're the reoccuring kind.
you never really leave my mind..
i've been thinking of that line more and more.
wondering about things like love and relationships..
i guess it doesn't help that it came on last night while i was walking home with josh.
that went well.
i mean we didn't do much last night he got me stoned said it would help...
it did..
i think..
i'm almost better at this point still having coughing fits.
but nothing to immediately life threatening ..
in fact the fact that i'm almost back to healthy is a daunting thing .
because i have to push myself really hard tomorrow.
120 mini terrines and then.
i have to make more regular terrines as well as doing more apple pie and probably.
more pear but i'm not entire sure on the recipe for the poached pear so that could be bad as well.
need day off.'
but this morning is quite nice as well.

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