Friday, April 22, 2011
waiting outside of work right now.
watching one of my shows at a starbucks.
i had forgotten it was the season finale.
as soon as i get in it will be ..
feet hit the ground running.
i'm starting to really love that saying.
it makes me think that i shouldn't stop prepping until its all done.
and that makes me even happier.
to see my prep list and have it be completley marked off this are coming together really well.
my brunch menu desserts as of right now are.
butterscotch pudding.
chocolate peanutbutter pie.
cinnamon rolls
and banana chocolate chip and blueberry muffins.
in romantic news.
i've been dating this guy i've been working with .
and in a bit of a drunken haze last night with some prompting
i talked to him about where this was going .
and i decided more we decided that we should see where this is gonna go.
he was completely cool with letting me still be single and just making it casual but he also said.
that yes he wanted to be exclusive.
so i'm gonna stop dating other people to see where this could go.
its weird because in that drunken haze last night talking to rheanna i was talking about .
how i want to leave eventually and move around and ultimately settle in southern california.
and how i want a bunch of kids .
and a farm and live that kind of life.
because it sounds ideally beautiful to me .
i only shared part of this dream with this guy.
ive told him about the farm before but that was in passing.
and i've told him more about moving around and he shares this interest .
moving and not necessarily having any ties to chicago. other than his family of course.
so we will see where this turns up until then.
i'm out.
Monday, April 18, 2011
green eye'd boy
my card came in today finally i'll be going to the social security office tomorrow to get a new card for that.
and then after that boom i'll be getting an illinois i.d.
so since my card came in and well since the fact that i did 62 hours this past week
i needed some retail therapy .
insert 250 dollar bill from urban outfitters.
i was up on money for the mere fact that i hadn't spent any in weeks.
so i don't feel to bad about it.
actually feels kind of nice.
that and i have another pay check coming in on friday.
and that one will have 33 hours of overtime attached to it.
i mean.
that is pretty much my rent check just for over time which is insane.
and although i'm like super tired and my legs feel like they are going to give out at any moment.
i love what i'm doing .
and i have to use that as my mantra because otherwise i might forget and just give in to the pain and anguish that is working at a restaurant and just all around working in this industry.
so i have to create a new gluten free dessert and i'm thinking this peanut butter and chocolate pie with a gluten free crust.
and not only that but i have to create brunch desserts because i hate the fact that brunch kills through my desserts..
so .
what i'm thinking
and now if i can i'd like to do doughnuts
and cinnamon rolls.
this is my project for the next weekend..
so i'll be working on it all week.
possibly going in early and such .
other things for this week..
need to dye my hair again.
it is fading way to fast so i must rebleach.
and lets see.
i'm meeting up with this guy milos because well i sorta promised .
all this work has taken a toll on my personal life.
i've started developing something with this guy from work.
i mentioned it on here before i know .
but i mean we see eachother quite a bit.
and well he's an awesomely if not older and strange guy..
and i don't hesitate to tell him so.
either way .
that is whats going on in my life right now.
so while you read please enjoy haley bonar because she is awesome.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
blue bird
could you be my dream i could have you every night and if by morning i've forgotten you well no big deal that'd be alright because you're the reoccuring kind.
you never really leave my mind..
i've been thinking of that line more and more.
wondering about things like love and relationships..
i guess it doesn't help that it came on last night while i was walking home with josh.
that went well.
i mean we didn't do much last night he got me stoned said it would help...
it did..
i think..
i'm almost better at this point still having coughing fits.
but nothing to immediately life threatening ..
in fact the fact that i'm almost back to healthy is a daunting thing .
because i have to push myself really hard tomorrow.
120 mini terrines and then.
i have to make more regular terrines as well as doing more apple pie and probably.
more pear but i'm not entire sure on the recipe for the poached pear so that could be bad as well.
need day off.'
but this morning is quite nice as well.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
silver lining.
its strange when you allow yourself to be seen by someone who doesn't know you that well.
i was sick i still am but yesterday was the worst of it.
cold sweats, fever, shaking, coughing to no end.
and i allowed myself to be taken care of.
and i kept thanking him and just saying i was surprised its been a while since i've been treated like that.
he wrapped me up and healed me.
at least to acertain degree.
and i was grateful.
and it made me look at him differently.
and i hope this isn't just the lack of affection lately thats talkin or like
florence nightengale syndrome.
but it was nice to be cared for is all i mean.
Saturday, April 2, 2011
code BLUE!!
dead on the inside and outside.
feet are falling off ..
my brain is lost in oblivion ..
and i have to get up at 8 tomorrow.
well technically i probably have to get up at like 6:30.
and i love it.
just wish i didn't get so much shit talked about me.
and even more so .
i wish i didn't care .
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