Sunday, September 4, 2011

never saw the point

currently at starbucks ..
where else would i be?..
don't get me wrong. i don't mean to sound like a lifelike version daria but its difficult when i'm not even trying.
so here i am enjoying my green tea/lemonade sweetened grande concoction
not to bad either i must say. regardless of the look on my face.
and i am currently listening to cults which are fucking fantastic if you have not heard.
so i thought things would be a bit drastically difficult but not currently at least not yet.
which i might be speaking to soon on but i hope not and i really don't think so.
so .
i haven't posted in a couple of months..
i went home for my grandmother's funeral..
i still miss her like crazy when i think about it. i hate the thought that i will never see her again and
whatever children i end up having will never know her.
but at least i did.
she made me a better person. and i'm grateful enough that i got to know her.
today. i made a german apple cake and with some luck it will be on the menu. in my head as of now.
german apple cake.
pumpkin cheesecake.
i/c cookies
choc pnut.
some sorta currant/fig/ pear dessert and that's all i really got so far.
i need to think of the crazies at work such as.
gluten free
soy free
nut and seed free.
it all presents problems or "challenges" as some people like to call it.
either way i'm happy with it for now.
and that's all i can really hope for.
Joshua and i .'s going well. i mean. no fights no discomfort.
it just feels cramped is all. like i'm living in his house not we're living together.
and i suspect it will feel like this until we find a place that we both like together.
but until then its bridgeport for us.
chicken tonight with red skin potatoes.

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