Sunday, September 26, 2010

i have arrived

so i have arrived.
he plane ride was long and sweaty.
and the rambunctious child behind me wasn't allowing me to much sleep.
so instead of trying to sit back and enjoy the inflight movie of "the joneses" i chose to have a 4 hour listening of death cab for cutie.
which i must admit in hind sight is the definite better choice.
60 dollars to check my bags which was insane to me at the time. and even more insane was the sixty dollar cab ride.
i get it ..expensive.
i wanted to take the subway but my several bags prevented me from getting around easily.
and i didn't want to wait to figure how to do the whole shared ride thing.
i get in and am home.
take a bath and pass out .
only to be awakened at two in the morning.
i missed him so much.
i hate to sound like such a girl.
and ayaka and marcella i lose.. definately lose.
and very happy about it.
this morning we didn't even leave the house till late. took a stroll down to a hot dog stand and had chared polish dogs.
the relish was so green i know don't believe me. but i swear it looked like snot i mean neon relish.
but so good.. to much mustard for my liking especially since i hate it but all around really good.
really good fries as well.
picked up season three of the big band theory and started to have a marathon but got distracted by sex, ice cream and then well tofu passed out. so there is that.
he's sleeping currently while i write this blog i'm trying to keep myself from cuddling with him because i don't wanna wake him.
tomorrow i wanna head to oz park and take some pictures. with my camera.. it's been way to long since i've had a camera.
thank you
amri, adam, vidal, dusty, and reba for making my going away night so awesome..
the cake was amazing!.
my mom was emotional the next morning but i think she was worse when i had already left based on the facebook updates from eddie.
i'm doing well and can't wait to go in on wednesday

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