Monday, June 21, 2010

i had a four day date from thursday to today..
and i dont know how to describe it without sounding desperate or scared.
but i am indeed in love.
and i'm terrified of it but i know i want more.
and i'm begging not to be hurt.
and if i can manage to be trusting and not so hesitant that i know indeed he feels the same.
i am in love after four days.
it feels so ridiculous but its true.
i don't think i fall that easily
but there it is i'm in love.
his name is alejandro.
yeah like the song.
i've liked him for a while but this four day date it changed everything.
flipped my whole world upside down.
day/date one. thursday
dinner at the little next door
i had the second best bread i've ever had.
olive bread dipped in some olive oil.
shared a mushroom vol au vent
which was so good!
and he ordered the falafel sandwich for me while he had the mussels
we ended up switching up anyway the mussels just looked to desirable.
morrocan mint tea and then morrocan ice tea for him and then a tropical fruit ice tea for me.
it was magical?.
the only word i can think of using
it felt as though we entered a different world.
we were no longer in l.a. but in some sorta of post card from some place farther
no worries abound.
just hope.
i hope i 'm doing the feeling justice i mean i really felt seperated from my body.
floating above and enjoying it all.
a trip to the beach afterward
couldn't go down to the water though
it was crowded by to many people.
day/date 2 friday.
picked me up and made me dinner
spicy pasta with a red wine and tomato base w/ purple mashed potatoes
and we watched shutter island
day/date 3 saturday
vegan food at flore in silverlake
avocado and cheese sandwich while he got the portobello panini and a really crappy green shake thing.. i had a pretty awesome shake coconut milk and banana
with bad gelato and a walk.
then to the laemmle to see winters bone.
really really good movie
day/date 4 sunday.
Gardunos taco king breakfast
a trip to monrovia to collect a comic book
meet my parents
then to phillipes near china town for two lamb double dips
i had lemonade he had ice-tea
i feel like i'm spinning and really wouldn't choose to stop if i had the option.

1 comment:

ChapStick = Love said...

I want details. I'm happy you're happy. <3

Are you free tomorrow as in Friday? I will text you anyway. I'm thinking night swimming? :)