Monday, November 2, 2009

bizarre foods contest.

Wow i sucked.
the 7 courses were:
1.Braised Pig Stomach
2.Duck Blood Soup
3.Chicken Feet
4.Cows Uterus
5.Lamb and Rooster Testicles
any guesses how far i got?..
i did fail by the way.. epically..
i only got to the chicken feet..
i wanna puke just thinking of it..
it wasn't that the meat/skin tasted bad it was the cracking of the bones in the feet and the nails on each toe..oye.. and beyond that even if i thought i would finish that course they had started serving the uterus and there was no fucking way.
i looked at it and wanted to cry and nearly did when i saw the balut..
btw: balut is a fertilized duck egg with a well developed fetus inside i nearly choked on my sadness while watching people eat it.
and p.s. though durian smells so god awful that i wouldn't dare put it in my mouth...
but i will say the stomach was actually quite tasty..
but i had to gag the duck blood soup down..oh my poor stomach..

1 comment:

edwin. said...

I watched someone eat balut at a barbecue once. It was fucking gross.

I've had chicken feet before at a Dim Sum restaurant. It wasn't that bad. It's all the thinking that makes it gross. Just. Stop. Thinking.