Friday, July 3, 2009

hey jack it's me i don't mean to bother you but somethings been on my mind.

adam took me around driving last night in vidal's car.
sounds funny.
i almost hit a raccoon. well two actually.
i think he is right about my nervousness though.
like as soon as i get that down i'll be fine.
i had a lot of fun last night.
forgot about certain things that have been troubling me.
manuel texted me again today.
he still feels like shit. sick as a dog.
i feel like the bitch that calls him and tells him i'm sorry you don't feel well but please don't text me.
what drove me nuts is that he called me like an hour before..
and his texts never say anything like i'm going to do this..
or this is the way things are going to be ...
no instead he texts me.
on several occasions.
"i feel i was always made to suffer :("
"i'm sorry"
stuff like that.
call me and tell me these things..
i wouldn't of cared if his text had said like i'm going to the hospital or something like that..
i don't know.
p.s. i'm craving more zucchini sticks.

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